This book was originally published in 1999, in 2019 for the book’s 20th anniversary, with the major revision and new material reflecting changing in the industry over the last 20 years.

The book is filled with a collections of tips to improve the development process in pragmatic way. The book helped me find words for what a good programming approach is.

Characteristics of a pragmatic programmer, fast to adapt, inquisitive, critical thinker, realist and a jack of all trades.

What I found very cool about the book is that it’s entirely writing in Markdown using version control and goes through a build pipeline. Every time they push new changes to the book, different versions of the book get created(hard cover, audio, book summary for say the website). They also scan the whole book and have logic to make custom indexing for the book. My summary doesn’t give it justice of how cool this is but also these guys practice what they preach. The authors have programming for over like 40 years and were part of creating the agile movement.

The book covers topics around software design, project management, the benefits of writing tests and general problem solving.

I will definitely re-read this book again and recommend it to you all if haven’t gone through it yet.