Extreme ownership is a leadership book that shares the principles of leadership that are used within the US Navy Seals.

The principles that are taught and discussed throughout the book are told through incredible stories and lessons from author’s experience leading combat troops in the battle of Ramadi. They then break down, examine and discuss each leadership principle individually, and, finally, share these principles from client examples of how they show up in the business world.

I like the format of the book of the book. Each chapter is broken up into 3 parts.

  1. Real life stories
  2. Leadership principle
  3. Application to business

Some of my favorite takeaways. No bad teams, only bad leaders "Whether a team succeeds or fails is all up to the leader. The leader’s attitude sets the tone for the entire team. The leader drives performance – or doesn’t." Believe, communicate, and listen Leaders must have a resolute belief in the team’s mission. They must also communicate the strategy very clearly to subordinates and allow them to ask questions until they also believe in the mission and strategy. Finally, the leader needs to continue listening and supporting subordinates in order to maintain belief and ensure flawless execution. Simplify and clarify Keep the mission as simple and clear as possible. Complexity causes confusion and makes execution more difficult. The simpler the strategy, the better.